1. 「一覧」の英語表現とは?
• Here is a list of participants.
• Please check the price list.
• I made a to-do list for today.
• The guest list is still being updated.
• The table shows the sales data.
• You can find the schedule in the table below.
• The results are presented in the following table.
• This table compares the performance of different products.
• Our product catalog is available online.
• Please refer to the catalog for more details.
• The library catalog contains thousands of books.
• You can request a printed catalog if needed.
2. シチュエーション別「一覧」の英語表現
ショッピングやオンラインストアで使われる表現を紹介します。商品一覧や、注文リスト、在庫リストなど、買い物関連の場面では「list」や「inventory」などの単語がよく使われます。また、オンラインストアでは「product catalog(製品カタログ)」や「price list(価格表)」という表現も一般的です。特に、在庫が変動する商品に関しては「availability list(在庫状況一覧)」という言い方もあります。
• Here is our inventory list.
• Check the menu for the full list of items.
• The shopping list includes fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
• Our online store provides a detailed list of available products.
• Please refer to the product catalog to see our full selection.
• The website features an updated availability list for each item.
• You can create a wish list to save items for later purchase.
• The store provides a price list for bulk orders.
ビジネスシーンでは「summary(概要)」や「index(索引)」なども使われます。プレゼン資料や報告書、マニュアルなどで「一覧」を示す場合は、文脈に応じた適切な単語を選びましょう。たとえば、会議の議題一覧は「agenda」、取引先リストは「client list」、従業員名簿は「employee roster」など、それぞれの用途に特化した英単語が存在します。
• This report includes a summary of key points.
• The index at the end of the book helps you find topics easily.
• The financial report includes a detailed table of expenses.
• Please review the checklist before submitting the final document.
• The company’s annual report provides a comprehensive list of business activities.
• The presentation contains an agenda outlining the key discussion points.
• The employee roster includes contact details and job roles.
• The index of this manual will help you navigate different sections efficiently.
3. 「一覧」に関連する英語フレーズ
• I need to compile a list of tasks.
• Can you make a table summarizing the results?
• The team generated a comprehensive list of potential clients.
• Please create a catalog of all available services.
• Please go through the checklist before submitting.
• Take a look at the list of attendees.
• You can browse the catalog to find your favorite products.
• The manager reviewed the table of expenses before finalizing the budget.
4. まとめ