1. 「結果」を意味する英単語
「結果」を表す最も一般的な単語は result です。テストの結果、試合の結果、実験の結果など、幅広い場面で使われる便利な単語です。特に、数値や具体的なデータが伴う場合に多く使用されます。また、ポジティブな結果でもネガティブな結果でも使えるため、日常会話からビジネス、アカデミックなシーンまで幅広く活躍します。
• I was really happy with the test results because I studied hard.
• The experiment produced interesting results that changed our initial hypothesis.
• The final result of the game was unexpected.
• He analyzed the survey results to identify trends in customer behavior.
Outcome は、あるプロセスを経た後に得られる「最終的な結果」を指します。特に ビジネス、医療、研究、政治の分野 でよく使われます。プロジェクトや治療の成果など、ある一定の過程を経た後にどうなったかを示すのに適しています。
• We are waiting for the outcome of the negotiations, which will determine our future strategy.
• The treatment had a positive outcome, and the patient recovered faster than expected.
• The outcome of the project was better than anticipated due to teamwork and dedication.
• We need to analyze all possible outcomes before making a final decision.
Consequence は、ある行動や出来事が引き起こした「結果」 を強調する単語で、特に ネガティブな結果 を表すことが多いです。つまり、行動の影響や、何かをしたことによる「報い」「副作用」といったニュアンスを含みます。ビジネス、教育、法律の分野でもよく使われます。
• His careless driving led to serious consequences, including an accident and a fine.
• You should think about the consequences of your actions before making a decision.
• The economic crisis had severe consequences for small businesses.
• Ignoring climate change will lead to disastrous consequences for future generations.
2. 「結果」に関連する英語フレーズ
• As a result, ... (その結果、…)
• Consequently, ... (その結果、…)
• Therefore, ... (したがって、…)
• Thus, ... (それゆえ、…)
• Hence, ... (それゆえに、…)
• For this reason, ... (この理由で、…)
• He didn’t study at all. As a result, he failed the exam miserably.
• The company didn’t adapt to the market changes. Consequently, its sales dropped significantly, and they had to lay off employees.
• The weather was terrible. Therefore, the outdoor event was canceled at the last minute.
• He ignored the warning signs. Thus, he ended up making a huge mistake.
• She worked hard for years. Hence, she was finally promoted to a managerial position.
• The evidence was insufficient. For this reason, the case was dismissed.
• End result (最終的な結果)
• Final outcome (最終的な結末)
• Ultimate consequence (究極の結果)
• Eventual outcome (最終的な成り行き)
• Long-term result (長期的な結果)
• The end result of our efforts was a successful product launch that exceeded expectations.
• We will analyze the final outcome of the project to determine its effectiveness and areas for improvement.
• The ultimate consequence of his reckless behavior was a serious financial loss.
• After years of research and development, the eventual outcome was a breakthrough in medical technology.
• The long-term result of the new policy will be observed over the next decade.
3. 「結果」に関連する日常英会話
A: How did your test go? (テストはどうだった?)
B: I got great results! I passed with a high score. (すごく良い結果だったよ!高得点で合格したよ。)
A: What was the outcome of the game? (試合の結果はどうだった?)
B: Our team won 2-1! (私たちのチームが2-1で勝ったよ!)
A: What are the results of the marketing campaign? (マーケティングキャンペーンの結果はどうだった?)
B: The sales increased by 20% as a result. (その結果、売上が20%増えました。)
4. 「結果」を表す英語の使い分けまとめ
1. result → 一般的な「結果」
2. outcome → プロセスの後に得られる「結果」
3. consequence → ある行動によって生じた「結果」(特に悪い結果)
4. as a result, consequently, therefore → 「結果として」の表現
5. end result, final outcome → 「最終的な結果」